Real Estate Professionals
At Hitchcock Home Inspections we understand the stresses of purchasing a home, and all the factors that go along with the process. We want to make our part of the process as painless and smooth as possible.
We have created a streamlined approach to scheduling inspections and delivering prompt and detailed reporting, so that clients can be informed in a timely manner as they move forward with their purchase. The easier we can make the process for the clients, the better we can help you to do your job.
Most if not all of our services are available to be completed entirely online through our Spectora software.
What We Offer
Detailed Digital Reports
in 24 HRS
We provide clients AND agents digital reports within 24 hours of our inspections.
Same day reporting is also available in those last minute instances
Repair Request Builder
Agents will have immediate access to the repair request builder from Spectora.
Agents will have access to a multitude of options that make writing addendums much easier.
We are Here to Help
We will be available to explain/clarify any issues that arise where clients or agents have any questions or concerns.
Clarity of the information that our reports provide are paramount to us.